Masters1st Year - Master's Degree in Interior Architecture and Design

Proving oneself and becoming an Interior Architect / Designer

During the second cycle, the student develops their identity as an author and project leader. The fourth year is when the architectural concept is affirmed. Projects take on a societal dimension. In workshops, students become acquainted with the dynamics of mentoring. Students are encouraged to provide their own definition of architectural work and its future role through the very act of their projects.

The school year is scheduled to begin around September 20th and ends at the end of May."

Dai4 Colonne

Achieving Skills

  • Developing a personal project by articulating issues and conceptual thinking
  • Affirming a personal approach in Interior Architecture and Design
  • Asserting critical thinking about one's practice
  • Understanding the construction of professional monitoring
  • Developing autonomy
  • Extending the professionalization process initiated during the bachelor's cycle




  • Interior Architecture Workshop
  • Interior Architecture Project
  • Office Design


  • 3D Graphics


  • Pre-thesis Mentoring



Doing your Masters with apprenticeship?


  • Option to complete the year through alternating periods of study and work (alternance)
  • Participation in national and international competitions
  • Participation in collaborative workshops for the final projects of fifth-year Interior Architecture students
Pierre-Louis TILLY
Student testimonial /

Pierre-Louis TILLY

I joined ESAM DESIGN during my master's degree, which I pursued through an alternating program with Tetris. Over two years, the focus was on developing my creativity, guided by professors. We worked extensively on concepts and originality in creating architectural projects. The final project allowed me to explore a subject close to my heart: rock climbing in natural and urban environments. I imagined a location in Le Havre that could blend these two worlds.

The alternating program mainly involved pure creation: from architectural design to the graphic presentation for the client to stand out and win competitions. As I was in the competition department of the company, projects had to be completed very quickly, emphasizing large spaces. The team was great, and I was integrated well. Each member had their specialty: I had the opportunity to work with graphic designers, perspective artists, draftsmen, decorators... a range of skills dedicated to projects.

The alternating program allowed me to set foot into the professional world

What is a graduation project ?