Bachelor2nd Year - Bachelor's Degree in Interior Architecture and Design

Create and Design

The teaching at ESAM DESIGN applies the very principles of the profession, particularly in the approach to project management. Students often work on real-life cases. The team of professors guides them in project realization, emphasizing research, concept, creativity, and providing them with mastery of technical tools.

The objective of the curriculum is to lead the student to assume a role as a project leader in interior architecture/design. Therefore, the student must assert a unique creative approach that places the user at its core and analyzes the multiple challenges related to the project context.

The school year is scheduled to begin around September 20th and ends at the end of May."

Dai2 Colonne

Skill Development

The student learns to engage in a professional project approach, developing analytical skills and understanding of the stakes involved.

  • Organizing a creative approach
  • Acquiring fundamental principles and notions in Design and Interior Architecture
  • Developing an open and non-academic culture
  • Working on plastic and technical representation methods
  • Building a project approach

Evaluation and grading are conducted through continuous assessment throughout the year.





Interior Architecture Workshop
Interior Architecture Project
Design Workshop


Representation Methods
Computer Graphics
Technology & Materials
Typography / Layout


Plastic Research
History of Architecture
History of Design
Optional Workshop: Engraving, Photography, Modeling, or Trends Observatory

Doing a semester abroad w/ Erasmus?


  • Initial workshop on habitat
  • Class trip (2nd & 3rd years all together)
  • Participatory workshop in the diploma projects of 5th-year interior architecture students
  • 2-month internship in a company, in France or abroad
  • Access to the Fablab of the University of Cergy-Pontoise throughout the year
  • Opportunity to study one semester on Erasmus
Sophie Baudin
Student testimonial /

Sophie Baudin

Going on Erasmus allowed me to develop a curious outlook, explore design, and experience a different pedagogy.

I have quite an unconventional background. I have a degree in visual communication, but I quickly decided to move towards spatial design. I pursued a master's in scenography, during which I met cabinetmakers and interior architects. While waiting to take the equivalence test to join ESAM Design, I worked as a communication manager in sustainable development and obtained a Carpentry Certificate in nine months. Then, I enrolled in the third year of interior architecture at ESAM Design.

In the second semester, I went to NABA in Milan as part of the Erasmus + program. This experience brought me a lot culturally and personally. I was fortunate to live in Milan during Design Week. It allowed me to develop a curious outlook, explore design, and experience a different pedagogy. I had to adapt to a new rhythm, another language (all classes were in English), and a very cosmopolitan atmosphere. We were working in groups, similar to ESAM DESIGN, with a lot of autonomy and freedom. In just a few months, we produced a quite professional comprehensive project.

What is a graduation project ?