Structured around key events
INTEGRATION SEMINARThe year begins with a week of integration and discovery, allowing students to get acquainted with their peers, the teaching team, and their own creative potential. OPTION CHOICESTo enable students to shape their creative profile, during the preparatory year and the first year of specialization, they choose 4 options out of 5: photography, videography, engraving, sculpture, and trend observation. These options complement the core courses. PERSONAL PROJECTDuring the second semester, students must complete a personal project on a topic of their choice. This project reveals their future direction and synthesizes their learning from the common core curriculum and the chosen options. WORKSHOPSDesign is not an individual discipline but a collaborative effort. The preparatory year is punctuated by team workshops within limited time frames. These workshops help develop creative methodology and provide students with a clearer vision of their future professional practice. ORIENTATION MODULETo consolidate their direction, students benefit from conferences on the profession of interior architecture by professionals in the field. |
CoursesPROJETIntroduction to space TECHNIQUEAcademic drawing CULTURE PROFESSIONNELLEDesign approaches |